Learn French at your qualified teacher's home

Learn french in immersion in a village in Provence

Experience real language learning and cultural immersion in the south of France! 

We welcome you to our large family home in the heart of the village of La Roquebrussanne in the Sainte-Baume Mountain.

During lessons, we will work on improving your French in a way specifically adapted to your level and objectives. 

View from your room in the french teacher s home

Degree in History of Arts and Archeology

Master’s degree of school teaching

Master’s degree of teaching French as a foreign language.

Certification of examiner and corrector for the DELF and DALF exams

Learn french while hiking in Provence

Experience the l'art de vivre of French life

With us, you will participate in our daily, family life; from preparing and eating meals together to sharing the apero, all while practicing and improving your French with my reassurance and guidance. 

Then, we will go and explore the artistic, cultural and natural wealth of the region and you will have the chance to meet the real locals of France; the cheese makers, the farmers, the bakers. With my guidance, you will have the opportunity to fully engage with French people and improve your confidence and fluency in speaking our beautiful language. 


Learn French while attending a concert

Rates for a French immersion stay - 6 Days / 6 nights : €1650 or €2050

The programm "one-to-one tuiton & activities" lasts a minimum of 6 days and a maximum of 3 weeks. The first day begins in the afternoon from 3 p.m. and the stay ends in the morning after breakfast.

Rates for a French immersion stay - 6 Days / 6 nights: 

  • Intensive course: full board + 10 hours of intensive course: €1650
  • Courses and activities: half board + 10 hours of courses + 4 activities of 3 hours: €1650
  • Courses and activities: full board + 10 hours of lessons + 4 activities of 3 hours: €2050


Example of a program "one-to-one tuiton & activities" for a half-board 6-day stay :

  • 10 hours one-to-one tuiton,
  • 6 breakfasts (morning) with guided conversation,
  • 5 lunches (noon) with guided conversation,
  • 1 welcome dinner on the day of your arrival,
  • 1 review dinner the day before your departure,
  • 4 half-days activities. The program will be designed in order to involve you in learning french efficiently and in an enjoyable way such as cooking, hiking, working with modeling clay, drawing, attending a dance or a theatre production, visiting an art exhibition or historic sights,
  • 6 nights in a spacious and sunny bedroom with desk, WIFI (ADSL allowing teleworking), private bathroom and WC,
  • A private terrace for you to rest in privacy,
  • Transfer from Toulon station, AIX-TGV station or Marseille airport

This stay includes at least 60 hours of oral French and 6 days of French art of living.

Example of a day's schedule in a half-board stay :

8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.: Breakfast with guided conversation
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: one-to-one tuiton
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.: lunch with guided conversation
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.: hiking and swimming on the Giens peninsula.
From 6 p.m.: free evening. For dinner, there are two restaurants in the village.

This program can be adjust to suit your goal, your needs or your wishes. Don't hesitate to let me know.  And then we'll design together the path to your success.